Pritzker Fellow Jeff Larson on "Conventions' Greatest Hits: "Barack Who?" & Other Big Moments"
(Current UChicago Students Only)
Thursday, November 16
12:30-1:45 PM
There have been many memorable events at conventions that have changed the impact of the events themselves but also propelled speakers to become significant leaders or even future Presidents because of their stand-out roles. We will also look at how conventions have impacted the general election and the battleground states that will be in play in the next battle for the White House. Bonus track: the history of third-party spoilers and how they might show up in 2024.
Special Guest (via Zoom): Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff & Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush
Pritzker Fellows seminars are off the record and open to current UChicago students only. Seating in the IOP Living Room is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact Sarah Palmisciano (