
What to expect when you’re expecting to run (or helping someone try to win) 
IOP Fellow Jeff Larson puts you through the paces. Watch as two students – one Republican and one Democrat -- pitch Jeff, who has worked in electoral politics for more than 30 years, to see if they are a viable candidate for office. Jeff will vet the student’s prospects by identifying their strengths and weaknesses as candidates and what they should do next. You will also learn about the types of staff roles that fuel campaigns (and how to get those jobs).

Throughout the year, the IOP will curate a series of workshops & host special office hours for students interested in working on campaigns or running for office themselves. Sessions will focus on helping students understand the campaign landscape, and gain tangible skills in data analysis, political strategy, fundraising, communications, and more. IOP Director and former U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp will also hold office hours to mentor students interested in running for office or working on campaigns.